You do everything you can to keep your pet safe from danger, but protecting them from an invisible enemy is a challenge. Many threats that can have serious implications for your pet’s health are not visible—such as leptospirosis, which is caused by microscopic Leptospira bacteria. Your pet can easily pick up the bacteria from contaminated pond or lake water, or a puddle in your backyard. Our team at Smithtown Animal Hospital shares details about this life-threatening bacterial disease to help you protect your pet.
Question: What is leptospirosis in pets?
Answer: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by the Leptospira bacteria that affect the liver and kidneys. Leptospirosis primarily affects dogs, but can also occur in cats and other wild and domestic animals. The bacteria can be found worldwide and are especially common in warm climates with high rainfall. Leptospirosis can cause severe kidney damage, liver failure, and other serious complications in pets, so pet owners should be seriously concerned.
Q: How do pets get leptospirosis?
A: Leptospira bacteria are spread through the urine of infected animals, most commonly rodents, farm animals, and other wildlife. Pets become infected when they directly contact infected urine or they swim in or drink contaminated water. The bacteria enter the body through skin wounds or the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. The bacteria multiply in the bloodstream, travel to the kidneys and other tissues, and pass through your pet’s urine back into the environment, where they pass to other carriers and the cycle is repeated.
Q: Can pets transmit leptospirosis to people?
A: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be passed from animals to people. Human infections most commonly occur from swimming in contaminated water, but also from direct contact with an infected pet’s urine, although such transmission is rare. However, if your pet has been diagnosed with leptospirosis, you must practice good hygiene, including washing your hands thoroughly after handling your pet and wearing gloves to avoid contact with their urine when you clean up.
Q: What are leptospirosis signs in pets?
A: Leptospirosis signs can vary in severity. Some affected pets do not show any signs, others become severely ill, and some pets may die. Common leptospirosis signs include:
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Urination changes
- Diarrhea
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Weight loss
- Muscle pain
Leptospirosis infections can quickly advance and become life-threatening, so contact your veterinarian if you see any of these signs in your pet.
Q: How is leptospirosis diagnosed in pets?
A: Your veterinarian will diagnose leptospirosis based on your pet’s history, clinical signs, and laboratory test results. Blood and urine tests are typically used to detect whether bacteria are present, and to help assess liver and kidney function.
Q: How is leptospirosis treated in pets?
A: Leptospirosis is typically treated with antibiotics, which should be started early to be most effective. Depending on disease severity, some pets may require additional supportive care, either at home or in the hospital, while they recover. This may include:
- Intravenous (IV) fluid therapy to support the kidneys and maintain normal fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
- Medications to support the liver
- Anti-vomiting medications
- Gastric protectants
Treatment must continue until the infection has been eliminated and your pet’s organ systems are fully functioning again. Recovery will also involve plenty of rest and rehydration. Treatment of infected pets is typically successful with a full recovery, but without treatment, pets can progress from kidney and liver failure to chronic organ failure, or death.
Q: How can leptospirosis in pets be prevented?
A: Fortunately, for dogs, an effective, safe vaccine that protects against leptospirosis when administered annually is available. The vaccine is not 100% effective against all strains, but can significantly reduce disease severity in dogs who become infected. Other prevention methods include:
- Avoiding areas of standing water
- Controlling rodents and other wildlife around your home and immediate environment
- Not allowing your dog to swim in lakes in heavily wooded areas
- Designating a specific elimination location for your dog who is undergoing treatment
- Ensuring your dog does not eat wildlife
Unfortunately, no vaccine is available for cats.
By taking precautions and ensuring your dog’s leptospirosis vaccine is up to date, you can reduce their likelihood of infection. But, if your pet is showing infection signs or is due for their vaccines—including leptospirosis—contact our team at Smithtown Animal Hospital to schedule an appointment.
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