Core and Noncore Vaccinations for Pets

To protect your pet from dangerous pathogens, ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date. Vaccines enable your four-legged friend’s immune system to fight certain infections they may encounter. To help prevent your pet from contracting infectious disease, read our Smithtown Animal Hospital team's information about core and noncore vaccinations for cats and dogs. Core vaccines for dogs [...]

Understanding Your Pet’s Blood Work

A physical examination can tell us a lot about your pet, but additional blood tests give us a more complete health picture. Our Smithtown Animal Hospital team commonly recommends blood work for sick and healthy pets, so we want pet owners to understand more about this basic test. Here is an overview explaining the reasons [...]

How Wellness Diagnostics Benefit All Pets

In a time when many of us are financially struggling, investing more in your pet’s veterinary care may seem like a bad move. However, ensuring your pet visits the veterinarian annually for wellness and preventive care can stave off many costly illnesses, and catch others in their early stages before they become bigger—and more expensive—problems. [...]

5 Steps for Removing a Tick from Your Pet

Feeling a lump on your pet’s skin and discovering an embedded tick likely sends chills down your spine. But, you can safely and effectively manage this creepy situation and prevent your pet from developing a tick-related disease. Our team at Smithtown Animal Hospital explains what you should do when you find a tick on your [...]

Pet Heat Safety 101

The dog days of summer can be unkind to your pet. Heat and humidity can cause significant problems for your four-legged family member, potentially putting their life at risk. Our Smithtown Animal Hospital team wants your summer to be free of veterinary emergencies, and we’re sharing this educational information with you, so you can learn [...]

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